DMTN-047: Tests with InfiniDB

  • Jim Tommaney,
  • Jacek Becla,
  • Kian-Tat Lim and
  • Daniel Wang

Latest Revision: 2011-07-04


In late 2010 we collaborated with the Calpont team on testing their InfiniDB product. Testing involved executing the most complex queries such as near neigbor on 1 billion row USNOB catalog. The tests were run by Jim Tommaney, the final results are pasted below.

1   Tests and Results

Thank you for the chance to evaluate InfiniDB against the stellar data set and the near neighbor problem. Towards that end I installed our 2.0 version on a Dell 610 server with 16GB memory, 8 physical cores (16 Hyper-Threaded Intel virtual cores), and a 4 disk raid 0 data mount point with 7200 RPM disk drives.

As you know, the N-squared search space becomes problematic at scale, so part of the solution involved a specialized query and the addition of 4 additional columns as shown below. These new columns defined two overlapping grids on top of the search space such that any given object existed in 2 grids. Note that these are abstract grids represented by additional columns and the table is a single table with our standard vertical + horizontal partitioning that happens with the basic create table statement. So, this virtual ‘gridding’ doesn’t change other characteristics of the table or prevent other such extensions.

Column additions:

alter table object add column ra_r2 decimal(5,2);
alter table object add column decl_r2 decimal(4,2);
alter table object add column ra_d2 decimal(5,2);
alter table object add column decl_d2 decimal(4,2);

Example update statements:

update object set ra_r2 = round(ra,2) where ra < 10;
update object set decl_r2 = round(decl,2) where ra < 10;
update object set ra_d2 = truncate(ra,2) where ra < 10;
update object set decl_d2 = truncate(decl,2) where ra < 10;

The query itself consist of 4 parts, the sum of which is the count of near neighbors.

  1. Search within Grid D defined by ra_d2, decl_d2.

  2. Search within Grid R defined by ra_r2, decl_r2, adding predicates to only include matches that span two D Grids.

    and (( o1.ra_d2 <> o2.ra_d2 ) or (o1.decl_d2 <> o2.decl_d2))
  3. There is the additional condition where a given pair of neighbors span both Grid D and Grid R. For this subset of the data, the neighboring objects share Grid R coordinates for RA, and Grid D coordinates for Decl.

    FROM object o1 join object o2 on
         (o1.ra_r2 = o2.ra_r2 and o1.decl_d2 = o2.decl_d2)
  4. The last case covers the same basic condition as 3, but includes a join that covers neighboring objects that share Grid D coordinates for RA, and Grid R coordinates for Decl.

    FROM object o1 join object o2 on
         (o1.ra_d2 = o2.ra_d2 and o1.decl_r2 = o2.decl_r2)

Anyway, the results appear very promising, and indicate that it may satisfy arbitrarily large search spaces. I executed the query against the full range of declination, and searched with the range of RA between 0 and ra_limit. I then scaled ra_limit between 0.01 through 20 and charted the results below, trending search space vs. rows processed per second. The baseline numbers you provided appear to avg. about 1000 rows/second, and capped out at about 80k search space. With InfiniDB, the search rate is relatively flat after a ramp-up of a couple seconds, running at about ~800 K rows processed per second through a search space of about 32 M x 32 M objects. At 32M objects x 32M objects the query consumed about 6GB for the hash structures, however extending the query logic above would allow for running something like 33 of these queries serially to search through a 1B x 1B space. Running the 4 sections serially would reduce the memory requirements if desired.

InfiniDB Near Neighbors Cluster Query (N x N).

Figure 1 InfiniDB Near Neighbors Cluster Query (N x N).

There are a number of variations on the near neighbor problem that provide a filter on one of the object tables, i.e. search for white dwarf that I would characterize as M x N problems where M << N. To profile those queries I selected an arbitrary filter ( o1.bMag > 24.9 ) that restricted 1 of the 2 sides of the join to at most ~330 K objects. I then executed 12 queries with ra between 0 and ra_limit, varying ra_limit from 30 to 360. Each query was executed 3 times sequentially following a flush of the data buffer cache, and the average of the three values charted.

With a bounded M, the processing rate went up significantly, approaching 4.5 M rows per second when the second and third executions of a query were satisfied from cache, and running at nearly 3 M rows per second for larger queries that did not fit in the data buffer cache ( which was configured at 8 GB ). These queries only used about 6% of memory for temporary space and could be run against an arbitrarily large N as desired.

InfiniDB M x N selective query.

Figure 2 InfiniDB M x N selective query.

There are more details regarding the load rate, options on other grid sizes, limitation of this style grid analysis for larger definitions of ‘near’, etc. that can be shared and reviewed as desired, and I am more than happy to profile additional queries as desired. For example, I can take a look at getting an exact time for finding all of the near-neighbors within a 1B x 1B search space if that is interesting (should be something like 23-25 minutes), it is just a matter of tweaking the query restrictions to allow proper handling of objects on each side of these larger query boundary.

There are definitely some significant differences between InfiniDB and MySQL in terms of best practices for a number of items. For example, our fastest load capability is via cpimport rather than load data infile. The near neighbors problem appears to be one example of many where we handle large data analysis significantly better than MySQL, although there are plenty of examples where MySQL shines relative to InfinDB (individual row insertion, individual record access via index, etc). Any external application that relies on individual row lookups with an expected latency in the microseconds will run significantly slower with InfiniDB.

select sum(cnt) from (
  SELECT count(*) cnt
  FROM object o1 join object o2 using(ra_d2, decl_d2)
  WHERE ABS(o1.ra - o2.ra) < 0.00083 / o2.cosRadDecl AND ABS(o1.decl -
        o2.decl) < 0.00083 and o1.objectid <> o2.objectid
        and o1.ra >= 0 and o1.ra < @ra_limit and o1.bMag > 24.9
        and o2.ra >= 0 and o2.ra < @ra_limit
  union all
  SELECT count(*) cnt
  FROM object o1 join object o2 using(ra_r2, decl_r2)
  WHERE ABS(o1.ra - o2.ra) < 0.00083 / o2.cosRadDecl
        and ABS(o1.decl - o2.decl) < 0.00083
        and o1.objectid <> o2.objectid
        and o1.ra >= 0 and o1.ra < @ra_limit and o1.bMag > 24.9
        and o2.ra >= 0 and o2.ra < @ra_limit
        and (( o1.ra_d2 <> o2.ra_d2 ) or (o1.decl_d2 <> o2.decl_d2))
  union all
  select count(*) cnt
  FROM object o1 join object o2 on (o1.ra_r2 = o2.ra_r2 and
       o1.decl_d2 = o2.decl_d2 )
  WHERE ABS(o1.ra - o2.ra) < 0.00083 / o2.cosRadDecl AND
        ABS(o1.decl - o2.decl) < 0.00083
        and o1.ra_d2 <> o2.ra_d2
        and o1.decl_r2 <> o2.decl_r2
        and abs(o1.ra - o1.ra_r2) * o1.cosRadDecl < 0.00083
        and abs(o2.ra - o2.ra_r2) * o2.cosRadDecl < 0.00083
        and abs(o1.decl - (o1.decl_d2 + 0.005)) < 0.00083
        and abs(o2.decl - (o2.decl_d2 + 0.005)) < 0.00083
        and o1.objectid <> o2.objectid
        and o1.ra >= 0 and o1.ra < @ra_limit and o1.bMag > 24.9
        and o2.ra >= 0 and o2.ra < @ra_limit
  union all
  select count(*) cnt
  FROM object o1 join object o2 on (o1.ra_d2 = o2.ra_d2 and
       o1.decl_r2 = o2.decl_r2 )
  WHERE ABS(o1.ra - o2.ra) < 0.00083 / o2.cosRadDecl AND
        ABS(o1.decl - o2.decl) < 0.00083
        and o1.ra_r2 <> o2.ra_r2
        and o1.decl_d2 <> o2.decl_d2
        and abs(o1.ra - (o1.ra_d2 + 0.005)) * o1.cosRadDecl < 0.00083
        and abs(o2.ra - (o2.ra_d2 + 0.005)) * o2.cosRadDecl < 0.00083
        and abs(o1.decl - o1.decl_r2 ) < 0.00083
        and abs(o2.decl - o2.decl_r2 ) < 0.00083
        and o1.objectid <> o2.objectid
        and o1.ra >= 0 and o1.ra < @ra_limit and o1.bMag > 24.9
        and o2.ra >= 0 and o2.ra < @ra_limit
) a;
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 0.01;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 16652    | 1                      | 8643                     |

1 row in set (0.07 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 2834     |

1 row in set (0.60 sec)

| idb()                                                                                              |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-0; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 0.1;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 167632   | 10                     | 17048                    |

1 row in set (0.08 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 31757    |

1 row in set (0.95 sec)

| idb()                                                                                              |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-6; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 0.5;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 833849   | 50                     | 17812                    |

1 row in set (0.16 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 155065   |

1 row in set (2.07 sec)

| idb()                                                                                              |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-6; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 1;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 1638966  | 100                    | 17891                    |

1 row in set (0.21 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 290972   |

1 row in set (2.22 sec)

| idb()                                                                                              |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-7; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 2;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 3153437  | 200                    | 17947                    |

1 row in set (0.25 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 516670   |

1 row in set (3.79 sec)

| idb()                                                                                              |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-8; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 3;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 4675828  | 300                    | 17961                    |

1 row in set (0.28 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 734540   |

1 row in set (6.51 sec)

| idb()                                                                                              |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-9; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 4;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 6356011  | 400                    | 17967                    |

1 row in set (0.40 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 1037556  |

1 row in set (7.61 sec)

| idb()                                                                                               |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-13; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 5;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 7989071  | 500                    | 17975                    |

1 row in set (0.46 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 1326087  |

1 row in set (9.38 sec)

| idb()                                                                                               |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-14; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 10;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 15896387 | 1000                   | 17986                    |

1 row in set (0.92 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 2609059  |

1 row in set (19.71 sec)

| idb()                                                                                               |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-18; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 15;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 24045205 | 1500                   | 17993                    |

1 row in set (1.34 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 3949531  |

1 row in set (32.46 sec)

| idb()                                                                                               |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-28; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> set @ra_limit:= 20;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> . near_neighbors.sql

| count(*) | count(distinct(ra_d2)) | count(distinct(decl_d2)) |
| 31841849 | 2000                   | 17996                    |

1 row in set (1.74 sec)

| sum(cnt) |
| 5247760  |

1 row in set (40.48 sec)

| idb()                                                                                               |
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-37; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-0; BlocksTouched-0; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0 |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)


select sum(cnt) from (
  SELECT count(*) cnt
  FROM object o1 join object o2 using(ra_d2, decl_d2)
  WHERE ABS(o1.ra - o2.ra) < 0.00083 / o2.cosRadDecl AND ABS(o1.decl -
  o2.decl) < 0.00083 and o1.objectid < o2.objectid
  and o1.ra >= 0 and o1.ra < @ra_limit
  and o2.ra >= 0 and o2.ra < @ra_limit
  union all
  SELECT count(*) cnt
  FROM object o1 join object o2 using(ra_r2, decl_r2)
  WHERE ABS(o1.ra - o2.ra) < 0.00083 / o2.cosRadDecl
  and ABS(o1.decl - o2.decl) < 0.00083
  and o1.objectid < o2.objectid
  and o1.ra >= 0 and o1.ra < @ra_limit
  and o2.ra >= 0 and o2.ra < @ra_limit
  and (( o1.ra_d2 <> o2.ra_d2 ) or (o1.decl_d2 <> o2.decl_d2))
  union all
  select count(*) cnt
  FROM object o1 join object o2 on (o1.ra_r2 = o2.ra_r2 and
  o1.decl_d2 = o2.decl_d2 )
  WHERE ABS(o1.ra - o2.ra) < 0.00083 / o2.cosRadDecl AND
  ABS(o1.decl - o2.decl) < 0.00083
  and o1.ra_d2 <> o2.ra_d2
  and o1.decl_r2 <> o2.decl_r2
  and abs(o1.ra - o1.ra_r2) * o1.cosRadDecl < 0.00083
  and abs(o2.ra - o2.ra_r2) * o2.cosRadDecl < 0.00083
  and abs(o1.decl - (o1.decl_d2 + 0.005)) < 0.00083
  and abs(o2.decl - (o2.decl_d2 + 0.005)) < 0.00083
  and o1.objectid < o2.objectid
  and o1.ra >= 0 and o1.ra < @ra_limit
  and o2.ra >= 0 and o2.ra < @ra_limit
  union all
  select count(*) cnt
  FROM object o1 join object o2 on (o1.ra_d2 = o2.ra_d2 and
  o1.decl_r2 = o2.decl_r2 )
  WHERE ABS(o1.ra - o2.ra) < 0.00083 / o2.cosRadDecl AND
  ABS(o1.decl - o2.decl) < 0.00083
  and o1.ra_r2 <> o2.ra_r2
  and o1.decl_d2 <> o2.decl_d2
  and abs(o1.ra - (o1.ra_d2 + 0.005)) * o1.cosRadDecl < 0.00083
  and abs(o2.ra - (o2.ra_d2 + 0.005)) * o2.cosRadDecl < 0.00083
  and abs(o1.decl - o1.decl_r2 ) < 0.00083
  and abs(o2.decl - o2.decl_r2 ) < 0.00083
  and o1.objectid < o2.objectid
  and o1.ra >= 0 and o1.ra < @ra_limit
  and o2.ra >= 0 and o2.ra < @ra_limit
) a;

2   References

[1][Document-11625]. Jacek Becla, K-T Lim, and Daniel Wang. Database Architecture. 2011. URL,
[2][LDM-135]. Jacek Becla, Daniel Wang, Serge Monkewitz, K-T Lim, Douglas Smith, and Bill Chickering. Database design. 2013. URL,


This document was originally published as an appendix of [1] and then part of [2].